FlaxPaper Talk with Regine Neumann
The FlaxPaperTalk offered a captivating glimpse into the creative journey of paper maker and sculptor Regine Neumann, hi-lighting the intricate interplay between flax, paper art, and the connections between nature, creativity, and community.
Cyanotype Printmaking with Flax
Guided by talented artist, Josephine McCormick, this event wasn't just about crafting prints; it was about unlocking our creative potential and delving into the fascinating realm of Cyanotype.
FlaxPaperLab: Crafting Art & Currency with Flax
Flax, an ancient and versatile plant, has played a significant role in human history, from being used to make textiles to being incorporated into the production of banknotes. Today, a creative initiative called FlaxPaperLab seeks to bring together artists, artisans, and flax producers to revive interest in flax pulp and paper, while fostering a sense of community and sustainability.